Thich Nhat Hahn offers this description of this sort of meditation - to see ourselves as a stone tossed gently into a river and coming to rest in the sandy river bottom, completely held by the sand and able to watch our thoughts flow by like the river's water, as we remain at ease on the river bed. In the meditation we'll practice together, it will be the breath that we can come home to, rest in and be held in.
We'll use the refreshed, spacious perspective that meditation offers us to fuel a lively engagement with stories from the world's wisdom tradition and personal encounters with images, objects and the natural world; so that each of us can shape a 3 dimensional representation of our inner sanctuary.
We'll have time for discussion and shared silence as well as time outside among the pinon and juniper trees.
We'll have time for discussion and shared silence as well as time outside among the pinon and juniper trees.
Creating Sanctuary:
Sanctuary can be defined as a consecrated place where sacred objects are kept, a refuge from danger or hardship, a sacred and inviolable asylum.
Is it a place to hide? Is it a space that provides a constant source of
re-fresh-ment, so we can be in the world fearlessly and do what needs to be done?
re-fresh-ment, so we can be in the world fearlessly and do what needs to be done?
I hope you will join me on July 17th and 18th, from 9 am - 5 pm to discover your own answers and shape your personal sanctuary.
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